Harp music publications

Contemplation for five harps
Jaymee Haefner beautifully arranges Henriette Renié’s solo Contemplation for four harps with an optional 5th harp that also functions as an optional duet.

Maple Leaf Rag for four harps
Jaymee Haefner has arranged Scott Joplin’s popular “Maple Leaf Rag” for four pedal harps.

Ave Maria Collection
Jaymee Haefner’s harp-friendly “Ave Maria” collection includes a version for solo pedal harp, as well as accompaniment versions in four keys, which can be used with harp and voice or another melody instrument.
Canonic Crimson, for violin and harp
Better Than One, for harp duo
Snow, for harp duo
*Still/Nervous, for violin and harp
In Arkadia, for horn and harp
*Music for Violin and Harp
Nocturne IV, for solo harp
*…snowhaze, moonlight, for violin and harp
*Dust in my Eyes, the Cracks on my Hands, for violin and harp
*Aqua Luminous, for violin and harp
Flutter, for violin and harp
Die Mannsprachtige (The Man-splendid Woman), character study after Elias Canetti for solo harp
*Partially funded by a grant from the American Harp Society
…snow haze, moonlight by Libby Larsen (world premiere)
2022 American Harp Society National Conference · Sioux Falls, South Dakota
The Dust in my Eyes, the Cracks on my Hands by Jeffrey Paul (world premiere)
2022 American Harp Society National Conference · Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Aqua Luminous by Kirsten Soriano Broberg (world premiere)
2022 American Harp Society National Conference · Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Canonic Crimson by Paul Patterson (world premiere)
2018 Philadelphia chapter of the American Harp Society · Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Nocturne IV by Patricio da Silva (world premiere)
2018 Holsclaw Hall, University of Arizona · Tucson, Arizona
Flutter by Kirsten Broberg (world premiere)
2017 World Harp Congress, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts · Hong Kong, CHIN
Still/Nervous by Gary Schocker (world premiere)
2017 World Harp Congress, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts · Hong Kong, CHINA
Music for Violin and Harp by Patricio Da Silva (world premiere)
2016 American Harp Society National Conference · Atlanta, Georgia
Snow for harp duet by Gary Schocker (world premiere)
2016, San Antonio, Texas
Et descendit for flute, viola and harp by Sungji Hong (world premiere)
2016, University of North Texas College of Music · Denton, Texas
In Arkadia for horn and harp by Gary Schocker (world premiere)
2015 International Horn Society conference, The Colburn School • Los Angeles, California
Better than One for harp duet by Gary Schocker (world premiere)
2015 American Harp Society National Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana
Jaymee Haefner is the featured guest on these podcasts.
Podcast Episode 9
Harp Column
Podcast Episode 13
Harp Column
Behind the Music
Wichita Falls Symphony